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The faculty regularly organises career fairs by inviting companies to hold job interviews for Final Year students. In addition, the faculty provides seminars and workshops for students to expose them to employer expectations, and to train them in resume writing and prepare them for job interviews.

Apart from this, The University's Career Department (under the Student Development Center) is a resource center where students gain career-related information. The department also provides training to students as they prepare for the working world. The department organises training programs related to the development of students' careers and soft skills. The programs are focused on enhancing graduate employability through activities such as personal grooming, effective communication, resume preparation, interview coaching, image consulting and other soft skills.

The department also runs career relations and cooperation with the Ministry of Education, industry, and other organisations such as the 1Malaysia Training Scheme (SL1M) and TalentCorp. The department goes the extra mile by bringing students to job fairs across the nation.